5. HostInterface Package

The HostInterface package provides host-specific typedefs and interfaces.

5.1. Host-Specific Constants

typedef HostInterface::DataBusWidth

Width in bits of the data bus connected to host shared memory.

typedef HostInterface::PhysAddrWidth

Width in bits of physical addresses on the data bus connected to host shared memory.

typedef HostInterface::NumberOfMasters

Number of memory interfaces used for connecting to host shared memory.

5.2. Host-Specific Interfaces

interface HostInterface::BsimHost

Host interface for the bluesim platform

interface HostInterface::PcieHost

Host interface for PCIe-attached FPGAs such as vc707 and kc705

interface HostInterface::ZynqHost

Host interface for Zynq FPGAs such as zedboard, zc702, zc706, and zybo.

The Zc706 is a ZynqHost even when it is plugged into a PCIe slot.

5.3. Application-Specific Types

typedef HostInterface::PinType

Specifies the type of the application pins interface. Defined from PIN_TYPE.